This workshop, designed by Louise L.Hay, the internationally popular Healer and Motivational Speaker, is a powerful and transformational experience.
The Heal Your Life workshop offers profound insights into the relationship between the mind and body; exploring the way that limiting thoughts and ideas control and constrict us; and understanding the connection between our physical illnesses and our mindsets.
The safe and private space of the workshop allows the participants to get in touch with their inner child; the unexpressed, unmet need; grieve for it and begin the healing process. Through different exercises, individuals get to understand themselves deeply; to break through the layers of old conditioning; and find the beauty inside.
A healing process like this, in a group, exposes participants to others who are also struggling with pain and inner conflicts. The group healing method of affirmations and support provides for a spiritual experience.
Participants will work in pairs or small groups of 3/4.They will get insights into their own personality through exercises, meditations, songs, visualisations and affirmations.
Exercises facilitate uncovering one’s limiting beliefs, negative messages and cultural conditioning, which are impacting in unfavourable ways. Meditations and visualisations allow the participants to get in touch with deeper aspects of their personality, leading to accepting and loving oneself.
Affirmations help participants to reconstruct positive messages for themselves; by giving permissions to heal and free oneself of the negative self-talk.
Who can attend
This workshop is open to anybody who is wanting to understand their emotional world and learn to heal by expressing and releasing the unexpressed ones.
About the Facilitator
Ragini Rao is a Heal your life Workshop Leader. She is also a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst(TSTA), certified by International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA). Ragini has over twenty five years of experience as a Counsellor, Trainer and Psychotherapist.
To know more about the facilitator, please visit the profile given at the bottom of this page.