Welcome to the second segment of the program 360 Degree Parenting!
This Segment is titled- My Parenting Personality & Interactions
Parenting Attitude : What makes me ME!
The first segment of the Module 1 looked at the Parenting Style.
In this second segment, we will look at Parenting Personality in the following two ways.
1. Who I am owing to my Past
2. How do I interact with Others
On enrolling for this module, you will be able to enter Sessions 1.1 and 1.2 shown below.
After completing this module, please do submit your feedback.
Join Nisha Rao, Educator, Life Coach and Therapist, in discovering the art and science of being an aware, happy parent! Read more about Nisha Rao in the About the Trainer section at the end of this page.
360 degree Parenting – Program Objective:
To build awareness about –
1. Effective Parenting using Self-Awareness techniques (Attitude).
2. Simple and Powerful tools to interact with kids and others (Skills).
3. Scientific Child Development theories (Knowledge).
In this program 360 Degree Parenting, we will look back to how we (the parents) were raised, the culture we grew up in and past influences which resulted in who we are today. We use that learning to understand factors within ourselves that impact our parenting beliefs and approaches.
We also look deep within ourselves as individuals, to identify our own strengths and areas to challenge. Being a parent, above all else, is being a role model!
What do we do and how, in order to be our child’s hero?
Learning Video Content
Module 1
Who I am owing to my Past
How do I Interact with Others