The road to unraveling one's inner world

Group Therapy – Learn to build fulfilling relationships with Self and Others

Personal Development is a continuous, 360 degree process. Every aspect of one's behaviour, knowledge and understanding needs continuous update. Learning Videos at InfinumGrowth provide an opportunity to improve a wide range of capabilities, in personal life and at work; at one's own time and pace.

Each video program has a set of well designed learning modules designed and facilitated by experienced professionals, who share their own personal learning and experience to enrich the content.

Group Therapy – Learn to build fulfilling relationships with Self and Others

Welcome to InfinumGrowth’s Group Therapy program.

Group Therapy is a space for individuals to reflect upon, explore and experience patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that govern our lives, in a group setting, alongside other members.

From the time we are born, we are a part of various groups; and our patterns of being with ourselves and others develop through our relationships forged in these groups.

Group therapy provides a dynamic space for working,   in the here and now, with others in the therapy group; to see how our old patterns and ways of relating may be re-enacted within the therapy group.

This then provides opportunities and safety of the contained environment of the group, in which to explore and understand our patterns and experiment with new ways of being so that we can all live more fulfilling lives.

We therefore invite you to sign up for a short free, one-to-one call with the  therapist, Gunjan Zutshi, before enrolling for the program.  This will ensure you understand the scope of the program before committing.

Click here to confirm your interest.

InfinumGrowth’s Group Therapy sessions are planned for every Tuesday from 5.30-7pm IST.

This group is a slow open group having 6-8 members. Members join and stay in the group for as long as is required for them to work through the issues they want to bring into therapy. New members join the group from time to time, if there is a vacancy.

Individuals currently going through or having already done some sessions of one to one Counselling/Psychotherapy will also find it very useful as a way to deepen their work.

Program Fees :

The fee for Group Therapy program is Rs.4000 per month, including GST.  Each month has 4 sessions and there are periodic breaks.

Fee is payable quarterly or half yearly in advance.


The Group Therapy program is facilitated by Gunjan Zutshi, Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst – Psychotherapy (PTSTA-P). 

 Gunjan is a practising Psychotherapist and Trainer based at Bengaluru. She is deeply involved in working with individuals for personal transformation.  As a Psychotherapist, Gunjan works with individuals in one-on-one and group settings, on a wide range of Mental Health and Wellness issues.

She is also a Bihar School of Yoga practitioner for over 15 years and works to integrate the ancient wisdom of yoga in her psychotherapy practice; to bring harmony in Body, Mind and Spirit. To know more about her, please visit her profile given at the bottom of this page.

Why Group Psychotherapy?

Who am I? Who am I in relationship with you? Who are we in relationship with each other?

None of us exist in isolation. Therefore, the challenges we face in our lives; be they relationship issues, feeling anxious or depressed, or feeling stuck and confused; all are an outcome of intersection of the Self, the Other and the wider Context (social-cultural-political).

The issues we face are not a sickness. Nor are they just an inner individual problem.

These are patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that we learnt, in and through our interactions with others. We formed these patterns to deal, as best as we could, with the dangers and challenges of interacting with others and the world at large.

Therefore, what better place than a group, to understand and examine these conscious and, very often, unconscious patterns; and work to change them because they are no longer effective or helpful. 

Microcosm of the group holds patterns of macrocosm and offers ways of working through these patterns in the safety and containment provided in the group.

While individual therapy offers a very valuable space to address the issues one is facing and find answers, it deprives one of the intersections and dynamism of working with others in the here and now; to see how implicit memories and archaic ways of relating may be re-enacted within the group.

This then provides opportunities and safety of the contained environment of the group, in which to experiment with new behaviours, attitudes and relationships.  It also offers space to build our capacity to reflect, wonder and be curious as we come face to face with diversity and differentness of other group members and what that means for us and the group.

Working Methodology 

Group Psychotherapy works on the premise that analysis of relationships within the group, as they emerge in the here and now of the group’s life, are the objects of attention of the group. All group members reflect together and make meaning of what is happening and what that means for the individual and the group.

This is a long term intensive interactional group, where members bring their full selves in; to engage with other members of the group. The primary task of the group is to use what emerges in this engagement; to reflect, explore, confront and deepen awareness of one’s own patterns; and experiment with new ways of being. The long term focus allows members to move away from problem solving for specific issues, in order to focus on changing deep aspects of ones personality.

What this group is not

It’s not a supervision or training group and not a place for learning concepts. It’s not a support group where members come and share and others listen empathically. 

It’s also not a group where 1-to-1 therapy happens in the group.

About the Facilitator

Psychotherapist & Coach, PTSTA(P)

Gunjan Zutshi is a Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst - Psychotherapy (PTSTA-P) with private practice in Bengaluru. She is deeply involved in working with individuals for personal transformation. As a Psychotherapist, she works with individuals in one-on-one and group settings on a wide range of mental health and wellness issues. She is also a Bihar School of Yoga practitioner…

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