Sales and Revenue provide the oxygen for any business, be it a large Corporate, a SME, a Startup or even a one person business.
It is a 365 days effort, therefore, to keep the momentum going and aim for higher growth. Often, it is done in a mechanical way without much of a fresh thought at the products, plans and processes. The market however is not so kind. It changes its needs and expectations rapidly, as the environment changes.
Program Objective
The Business Environment, now is in an ever changing mode; with multiple issues impacting it, often simultaneously. If on one side it is competition bringing new products and technology to make existing ones obsolete; on the other, it could be government laws or even nature’s unexpected fury, such as Covid 19, which force businesses to review and redesign their strategies.
Business Managers and Entrepreneurs need to be on their toes to be able to respond at the earliest. While they know their businesses the best, often, in a hurry to take action, the responses to situations may not go through an objective and logical thought process. The actions, then are sub optimal.
InfinumGrowth has put together this comprehensive Learning Video program on Customer Acquisition Model, which gives frameworks which any business, at any level of size and scale, could apply; to understand the market changes and align the sales and marketing strategies accordingly. The program brings in a few time tested Marketing and Behaviour concepts to apply in designing, planning and implementing a Customer Acquisition Strategy.
In the Learning Video Content section on this page, please click on the first session – Introduction to the Customer Acquisition Model Program, to view the facilitator Sridhar Rao speak about this program.
The Facilitator
Sridhar Rao, Management Coach & Business Mentor, is a Business Management veteran, with over 37 years experience in Sales, Marketing and Senior level Business Management, across 8 different industries. He was with Vodafone India for 8 years as CEO of different businesses, of which 6 years were spent in building a market leadership business at the Kolkata & West Bengal circles; in the early, rapid growth phase of the telecom industry.
He then Co-Founded a Fintech startup, Novopay Solutions along with 3 other experienced professionals; and led the initial years as CEO, shaping the core Business and Customer Acquisition Model.
Novopay is now a well established and profitable, national level banking services company, in its 8th year of existence.
Read more about Sridhar Rao in his profile at the end of this page.
Learning Video Content
Customer Acquisition
- Introduction to Customer Acquisition Learning Video Program
Session 1 – How does the external environment impact a Business ?
Session 2 – What are people buying today ?
Session 3 – Who is my Customer ?
Session 4 – How does a buyer take decisions ?
Session 5 – How do I reach the target customer ?