
Managing Cash Flows in the New Normal – Startups & SME’s – A Free Webinar

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Managing Cash Flows in the New Normal – Startups & SME’s  – A Free Webinar

Finance is the common currency of all businesses and Cash the most liquid of this currency.” – Mani

Managing Cash Flows is the most critical part of business management in today’s economic situation. Small businesses and Startups feel the stress a lot more than the larger businesses due to the low level of back up funds they tend to have.

Finance Management is a ubiquitous part of business management- a common binder; a glue, that keeps different verticals of any business together. It is about money but not only about money. There’s more to it; a predictive side, a management side and a governance side.

Startups and SMEs invariably have small core teams; the entrepreneurs are often personally not too conversant with finance management. In their struggles to build the businesses with limited resources, quality inputs in finance management can be a great help.

Quite often, the absence of good quality finance management is felt much more than its presence! But pray that you don’t learn from the absence- it is wiser to learn from its presence!!!

This Webinar is the first step, in a new series of programs by InfinumGrowth and Mani Padmanabhan, the highly qualified and experienced facilitator, to help Startups and SMEs manage their finance function efficiently despite team limitations.

The Facilitator

Mani Padmanabhan is a Finance Leader and Former CFO, Vodafone Western Region. He is currently a CFO Services Provider, Mentor, Advisor & Author. Read more about Mani in the detailed profile given at the end of this page.

Mani brings his long experience as a Finance Manager and CFO at various organisations as well as his present experience as an Advisor to introduce entrepreneurs to the key aspects of finance management; with special focus on Cash Flow Management.

Program Objective

This Webinar will help empower the entrepreneurs with quality finance insights, bringing focus on their own business models and their cash flow management processes. It will be an interactive session helping the businesses delve into the following aspects.

  •  It will focus on the challenges of cash flow management
  •  Will take you through the essence of  ‘Source / deploy / Manage’ – the three key aspects of Cash Flows.
  •  Will take you through an explanation all the key concepts through sample cases.
  • A must for all Small Businesses (boot strapped / funded – all kinds of startups and SMEs)

The session will include case studies & exercises in small groups and group discussions on specific aspects.

Introduction to the subsequent program – Finance Management Workshop for Startups & SMEs

In the Webinar, Mani Padmanabhan will also introduce the contours of the follow up program to this Webinar – An intense, 3 hour  workshop on Finance Management. The workshop will take participants through greater details on all key aspects of finance management and will cover the financial angle to Business Modelling and Business Intelligence Reporting(BIR).

About the Facilitator

Co-Founder, Vanman MA(vassureu.in)

Mani Padmanabhan is a Partner with CFO Bridge LLC and is the Co Founder of Vanman Management Advisors Pvt Ltd. He is also advisor to Protiviti India and ME; and is associated with InfinumGrowth as a Advisor & Coach. Mani is a CA, CWA, CFE and certified IP. He is a Finance and People leader with 2.5 decades of multi…

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